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Blog Post #13 – California Victim’s Voice

“I believe In Equal Rights For Victims Of Crime’ (Marsy’s Law)

The National Themes of the 2020 Victim’s Week.

…Seek Justice   …Ensure Victim’s Rights   …Inspire Hope

I propose that Victim’s Rights is the key theme. Victim’s Rights Create Victim Justice, Victim’s Rights Inspire Hope.

Ensure Victim’s Rights: Victim Justice must be created by Victims.

During the 1980’s to 2008, victims supported the greatest explosion of anti-crime, anti-criminal, and pro-victim laws. Result – a crime wave ended. California citizens were on our side, safe and secure for decades.

We won then! We can and must do it again!

How can individual victims as private citizens educate our lawmakers, civic leaders, citizens and most importantly the thousands of “quiet” victims. Some suggestions:

…write your individual state Assembly and Senate member. Thousands of letters from victims really focuses their minds. Let them know what’s on your mind that you do not like the expansion of criminal’s rights and the non-protection of victim’s rights.

…attend politician’s open public meetings. Challenge them to explain their anti-victim votes

…write editorials and letters to the media – TV, social media, editors – start a blog. Encourage victim and non-victim citizens to get in the fight for justice.

…talk to your neighbors and friends and give presentations to civic groups. I think that society is ready to listen.

…create Committees of Correspondence – share your work with other victims, share ideas, share success.

What a powerful force we can be if we Speak Up.     

Jack Reilley                 Blog #13            April 29, 2020