Blog Post #9 – California Victim’s Voice
California’s Criminal Justice System (CJS) – What About The Victims?
“I Believe In Equal Rights For Victims Of Crime” (Marsy’s Law For All)
California’s Marsy’s Law mandates that victims and survivors of crime have standing within California’s CJS. Marsy’s Law was written to protect victims and survivors from CJS abuse and give victims a voice and constitutional right to participate in the CJS.
California’s CJS should be renamed – the Criminal’s Justice System. Victims and survivors have been replaced by pro-criminal support groups who make their living by actively aborting justice in favor of the criminal. These groups are generously funded by George Soros and his Open Society Foundations. These groups forget that without victims they are out of work.
The pro-criminal game plan: eliminate the importance of victims by neutering Marsy’s Law; distort criminality via ballot Propositions and laws that scheme ways to lessen the crime; plea bargaining capital crimes to lesser crimes and punishment; shortening sentences using various gimmicks; reducing crimes from felonies to misdemeanors; no consideration of the prisoner’s rap sheet of criminality; easy parole procedures; no serious consideration if the prisoner has been rehabilitated, dumbing down three strikes for career criminals and many, many more pro-criminal changes in our CJS. Suggestion for victim fight back action
…Write legislators, the governor, local law enforcement. Express anger.
…Demand a cost analysis of each parolee. (I’ll explain next blog.)
…A thought, each parolee posts a substantial bond against new crimes.
Jack Reilley Blog # 9 December 2. 2019